Sports activities are one of the healthy lifestyles that need to be applied daily. To get the maximum benefit from exercise and prevent injury, proper sports shoes are needed.
Mistakes choosing sports shoes that cause incompatibility with sports activities carried out, can cause a variety of complaints. Starting from the blisters, pain in the shin (shin splint), pain in the Achilles tendon in the back of the leg (Achilles tendonitis), back pain, knee pain, and hip pain.
Choosing Sport Shoes As Needed
Sports performed three or more times each week, require special sports shoes. There are several categories of sports shoes, namely shoes for walking, running shoes, and shoes for field sports. In addition there are also outdoor sports shoes and other special sports activities, such as golf and cycling.
The following are the most commonly used sports shoes, including:
Shoes for running.
This type of shoe is so flexible that it can support the foot to bend whenever the user steps. However, this type of shoe is not suitable if used for other types of sports. For example for tennis that requires a sideways movement.
Aerobic shoes.
For this sport, the shoes used must be flexible, capable of supporting and cushioning, while minimizing impact on the foot.
Shoes to walk.
Walking is one form of exercise that is very good for heart health. This sport requires shoes that can reduce pain in the heel and ankles. Choose lightweight sports shoes, but can reduce the impact on the heel of the foot. Shoes for walking should be more rigid on the front so that the toes are more comfortable.
Tennis and squash shoes.
In sports activities using racquets, you are advised to use special sports shoes that can support sideways movements. For this reason, shoes of this type are usually stiffer and heavier than running shoes.
Basketball shoes and similar sports.
To get the maximum benefit from the functions of sports shoes in games in open or closed fields, such as in basketball or similar sports, shoes are needed with a combination of flexibility while supporting sideways movements.
Soccer shoes.
Shoes for football must be able to reduce the amount of pressure on the foot. Including when the game was carried out on an artificial grass field. If the shoes used are not suitable, the ball player is at risk of experiencing calluses on the skin surface or growth of toenail growth.
Cross trainers shoes.
This type of sports shoes combines several functions at once so that they can be used in more than one sporting activity. Its features must have flexibility on the front of the foot for running, but also must have good control for wider movements such as aerobics or tennis.
Tips for Buying Sports Shoes
Before deciding to buy sports shoes, consider the following:
- Visit a specialized shoe store that sells sports shoes. This shop usually has staff who already have knowledge about shoes that suit your sporting needs.
- Buy shoes when the size of your feet is maximal, that is at night or after activities all day or after you exercise.
- Don’t trust the assumption that shoes will be more comfortable after being used. Shoes must be comfortable since they were first used. Use shoes to step before buying.
- Bring socks from home, which you normally use. If you usually wear other equipment, also wear it with shoes.
- Avoid shoes that are too right. Between shoes and fingers there must be around 1 cm of space.
- The heel with shoes is firmly attached. Don’t choose shoes that feel loose in the heel.
- There are types of shoes that can be used for several activities at once, but if you do one type of exercise more than three times each week, consider buying shoes specifically for sports that you routinely do.
Please note that sports shoes have a lifetime. After being used for approximately 6 months, or 300 hours for aerobic exercise or around 480-800 kilometers to run, usually the inside of the shoe has decreased in quality.
So don’t love your shoes too much. If you exercise regularly, then pay attention to the resilience of your sports shoes. Brands and prices do not become a benchmark, but foot suitability and activity are the most important in choosing sports shoes.