Do Not Be Mistaken in Choosing Children’s Shoes

Shoes are one small element that plays a key role in protecting the legs of our baby. What is the right child’s shoes? Let’s discuss together how to choose children’s shoes. Children’s shoes are needed to protect their feet while doing outdoor activities. In order to provide optimal and comfortable protection, we must be smarter … [Read more…]

Smart Choosing the Right Sports Shoes

Sports activities are one of the healthy lifestyles that need to be applied daily. To get the maximum benefit from exercise and prevent injury, proper sports shoes are needed. Mistakes choosing sports shoes that cause incompatibility with sports activities carried out, can cause a variety of complaints. Starting from the blisters, pain in the shin … [Read more…]

6 tips to keep fit by walking

Walking is without a doubt the easiest way to keep fit. Not by chance The WHO recommends to walk for at least 10000 steps a day, a quantity and a distance (of about 7km) can guarantee some beneficial effects such as cardiovascular wellbeing, health of bones and tendons and body weight control. But despite appeals, … [Read more…]

All the benefits of trekking

Yes, you know very well that walking is a simple and natural movement that our body needs to do routinely to maintain good health. It would be good to walk every day at least thousand steps, as the World Health Organization suggests, or to take and go to the mountains to make trekking, an activity … [Read more…]